Forums - Whats Your Game Face? Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Whats Your Game Face? ( Posted by Park on 06:10:2001 05:07 AM: Whats Your Game Face? is it just me or is it possible to know what ur opponent is gunna do by his posture or the way his hands are positioned over the controls, like after a sweep kick the guy like tenses up and waaits for an upper cut Posted by Park on 06:10:2001 05:08 AM: also what game face helps you win a match - lookin cocky - look'n mean - lookin gay or wuteva Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 06:11:2001 03:55 PM: If you want to throw them off just look at them like you just smelt a fart it allways works Posted by Digicore2001 on 06:11:2001 04:29 PM: For me, my game game face depends on who I'm playing against. If it's a total stranger, then I have a straight face and I try not to show alot of expression while I fight. If I'm playing against a friend, then I'll usually laugh and joke around and stuff. I wish I had a diehard face all the time though. Posted by Clockw0rk on 06:11:2001 04:35 PM: Mine looks somethn like this >=[ - Clockw0rk Posted by Supergeek on 06:11:2001 05:44 PM: Mine looks like: [:| Posted by Mummy-B on 06:11:2001 06:01 PM: I tend to look like I don't know what I'm doing. Makes people overconfident. But that only works in America. In Japan, everyone plays with a straight face unless it's with someone they know. -_- Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:11:2001 06:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by Big Pete Roasa If you want to throw them off just look at them like you just smelt a fart it allways works hahahaha thats funny Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:11:2001 06:04 PM: well my face is just str8 serious no mercy whats so ever :cool Posted by BshidoHEAT on 06:11:2001 06:10 PM: When I pick Omega Red When they pick Cable When I AHVB them When I get AHVB'ed Mostly when I play, I keep quiet, but sometimes I play a guy that I know and I'll taunt them, say that they did something cheap, (then do the samething to them) Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 06:11:2001 06:21 PM: my face kinda looks like Clockworks LOL my eye brows come up and i look like im really concentrating other than that its pritty much a straight face Posted by Esthar SD on 06:11:2001 07:26 PM: ahhahah!! wtf!! super geek you make a face like.. [:| hahah soo you got a unibrow or sumthin hahaha!jks! its all good Posted by BRENT on 06:11:2001 07:59 PM: I never look at the opponent's face, so I assume they never look at mine. I can generally say that my face gets contorted when I'm playing like a madman. I often use the sounds of the buttons and joysticks to try and determine what is coming next. Rapid joystick sounds and button mashing means it's super time. There always seems to be a familiar sound when someone is doing a AHVB x 3. Posted by shin srwilson on 06:11:2001 08:39 PM: I just stare them down til their eyes water then i tell them they are weak and they break down...i enjoy doing that! Posted by threesixtee on 06:11:2001 11:06 PM: I tend to look sleepy... but I always look like that - playing or not. Sometimes though, I look around a lot, especially at the move list that is usually somewhere on the arcade cabinet, just to look dumb and rookie-ish. Posted by Servebot on 06:11:2001 11:25 PM: Posted by Park on 06:11:2001 11:36 PM: MY GAME FACE IS LIKE I WANNA KILL THE GUY WHEN HE KILLS ONE OF MY GUYS I PRETEND TO PULL OUT SOMETHING OUT OF MY POCKET BUT WUTEVA THAT STUFF DOESN'T WORK IN FLEMO OR GHETTO PLACES WHERE PPL ACTUALLY HAVE DANGEROUS STUFF IN THEIR POCKETS Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 06:12:2001 01:42 AM: hah! mine is like im all cocky and stuff and all playful! i do like the taunts of the characters when i win. and like in CvS when i used kim in a tourney i did all their taunts and said stuff when they pulled off a special! when im my MM team in MvC2 im like sooh kyoot! whenever he taunts...lately ive been playing like ECC style where they r all loud but usually like calm and relaxed cuz im dope! Posted by ShoryukenBlast on 06:12:2001 02:05 AM: I have no real expression when i play except when i do like a AHVB X 3 ill smirk and be like "Heh" Im not good at talking to new people. Posted by Shoto Skills on 06:12:2001 02:45 AM: i got the confused newbie face that takes a while to find out what the assists are.... then i beat their ass with my ironman/cable/cyclops team. Posted by g_ngan on 06:12:2001 02:52 AM: i usually make lots of noise,laugh...unless i am not in a good mood and if i meet the brothers that i hate a lot~ cuz i fxxx them up 1 time when i saw them~ Posted by AKUMA2000 on 06:12:2001 03:31 AM: A straight face with no emotion whatsoever because i hold nothing back and my only objective in battle is the death and destruction of my challenger, after defeating my opponent i'll look at them without saying a word..... Posted by SilverGear on 06:12:2001 03:41 AM: 0_o I usually look like I'm stoned. My eyes get glazed over I stare into space etc. Of course when I'm playing someone I know has the advantge over me I usually look like this: 0_o; And if I'm playing and I'm one a shitty arcade stick I look like this: LoL Posted by JsTyLe on 06:12:2001 04:25 AM: I stare at the screen like its showing porn.. sometimes i drool, it distracts my apponent then ahvbx3 .. then i go he he Posted by Zein on 06:12:2001 04:34 AM: I tend to look like I know what i am doing too, but I've only been playing for a few months so Im not all that good...but I can beat about half the people that challenge and I go to the arcade everyday with any money I have until I get better. Posted by DESERT DRAGON on 06:19:2001 08:35 PM: I found that keeping the str8est and most calm face works, especially at tournys. If your opponent look at your calm face while playing, he might become intimidated because he'll think that u know u can kick his ass without a problem. Posted by orochi_shin on 06:19:2001 09:21 PM: Sometimes I just keep a straight face so the guy wont mess with me. But when I wanna piss the guy off I just laugh like a dememnted freak everytime that I beat a character, and to add flavor I start to scream gibberish. Posted by NerenatwaH on 06:19:2001 09:35 PM: IM usually calm. But when I beat people with Ryu/Ken/Akuma I talk shit and get hella cocky. Posted by Steve Shneider on 06:19:2001 10:31 PM: This is my face when I play! That's me trying to lick psylocke's ass when it faces you in one of her win poses! If only the screen wasn't in the way. Posted by llllllllll on 06:19:2001 11:39 PM: Whats Your Game Face? differs from time to time, pending on my state, but usually it's like... hmmmmmmmmm... d;], with one fo0t in back, gyeah! ever watch the vids of certain battles, and the players lo0ks a lil' ...yeah? buhahahahahahaahaha! "shut yo mouth, in yo face!" - fluffy chick, d;r Posted by Kei on 06:19:2001 11:46 PM: MY GAME FACE... i try to look as constipated as possible with one eye twitching constantly... just kidding! i look like i don't know what i'm doing and usually i don't. my knees and my hands are all shaky and most of the time i lose because i just don't play at the arcade much and not used to arcade controls. i lose and leave as nonchalant as possible especially if i lose more than once to the same person... BUT, if i do know what i'm doing and am pretty confident (especially in my soul calibur hehe) 1)i'll look at how much it cost to play. 2)"carefully examine" the movelist. *wink wink* my favorite "newbie" technique. 3)put my quarters in slowly. 4)"scan" through the characters and then select him/her. 5)then beat them down with as much style and ease as possible with as little "cheap" moves (throws) as possible. I think 2d fighters require more concentration and unfornuately, i can't win very easily playing them... oh well. 2d fighters will still be my fav! Posted by shin srwilson on 06:19:2001 11:51 PM: Its funny i played this Kid at SF3 3rd strike once and when we got to the machine we shook hands and i squeezed his hand and rolled my eyes up wards and said to hi "You are going to have a very long day hahahahaha" accademically he got destroyed by me no probs!!!!! All times are GMT. The time now is 10:25 PM. Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.